Halloween Candy Pastry
Halloween has come and gone, my little goblins (“Chucky,” “Jason” and “Hamm,” the pink piggy bank from Toy Story) have tucked away their costumes and all of the spooky decorations have been returned to the attic for another year. Yet, there’s still a ton of candy occupying valuable space in my pantry! What’s worse, I can’t help but eat a piece, or four, every time I walk in there. What’s a mom to do with all of those leftover treats? Make Halloween Candy Pastries, of course! These flaky little turnovers make the perfect breakfast sweet or last minute dessert. And with the holidays right around the corner, the timing couldn’t be better. Whether you’re hosting family for an extended stay, preparing a holiday meal or attending a festive party, this recipe will make your planning a whole lot easier. Here’s what you do.
When your kids are at school (trust me, this doesn’t work when they’re home), dig through their trick-or-treat bags and “borrow” a bunch of the mini or fun size candy bars. Snickers, Milky Way, 3 Musketeers and any variety of Hershey’s chocolates work best. Place the candy in a freezer bag and hide it in the back of your freezer. During your next grocery run, pick up several packages of frozen puff pastry sheets and a box of powdered sugar. Now you’re set. The next time you need or want a special treat, you’ll have everything on hand to make these yummy pastries.
Do you have any great uses for leftover Halloween candy? If so, I’d love to hear about them!
Halloween Candy Pastries
1 17.3-ounce package puff pastry sheets
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 teaspoon water
18 mini or fun size candy bars
Powdered sugar
Remove puff pastry sheets and candy from freezer and allow to thaw at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease two baking sheets. Set aside. Unfold one pastry sheet at a time on lightly floured surface. Cut into 3 strips along fold marks. Cut each strip into 3 squares. Repeat with second pastry sheet. This will give you 18 squares. Place squares on baking sheet, about 1 inch apart. Beat egg yolk and water. Brush edges of each square with egg mixture. Place one candy bar in the bottom third of each square. Fold the pastry over the candy bar to form a triangle. Seal edges with the back of a fork. Bake 12 -15 minutes, or until golden brown. Cool slightly on wire rack. Dust pastries with powdered sugar (If you don’t have a powdered sugar shaker, a great trick is to pour a small amount of sugar in a fine mesh strainer, place over pastries and gently tap the sides of the strainer.). Serve warm. Makes 18 pastries.