Tag-Archive for » Vegetables «
Feb 2012
Feb 2012
New Orleanians love fresh vegetables. And thanks to the City’s fertile soil and subtropical climate, there’s a huge variety of beautiful vegetables available year-round. They’re served traditionally as salads and side dishes. But they also make frequent appearances as sassy appetizers and sumputuous meat-and-seafood-stuffed entrees. Some are even cleverly transformed into dreamy desserts. Because they’re so plentiful, home cooks are always looking for new and creative ways to serve them. And it’s always a great accomplishment to prepare an otherwise frowned upon veggie in a can’t-get-enough-of-it way. That’s what happened with me and [ ... ]
Mar 2011
Mar 2011
In case you woke up in a fog today, which is normally how our first week of Daylight Savings Time ends, it’s Finger Food Friday! And since tomorrow is St. Joseph’s Day and St. Joseph is one of the most beloved saints among Italian-Americans, I’m stuffing artichokes. This peculiar looking vegetable is an integral part of the New Orleans diet thanks to the huge population of Sicilians who settled in the City many moons ago and stuffing them is one of my favorite ways to pay homage to my other roots–my Italian roots. Remember yesterday? I mentioned I was half [ ... ]