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Crawfish and Tasso Enchiladas

We spent the week after Christmas with family back home in New Orleans. Whenever we’re there, we always get some sort of boiled seafood. Sometimes we buy it already cooked. Other times, usually when the seafood that’s in season is running good, we purchase it live and boil it ourselves at my in-laws’ house. During this most recent visit, lovely Louisiana blue crabs were in season. But supplies were limited due to cold temps and rain. So we ordered several dozen boiled from my father-in-law’s buddy Captain Sid. As we pulled into the parking lot to pick them up, my [ ... ]

Finger Food Friday: Satsuma Ceviche

One of the best ways for me to brighten up a dreary winter’s day is to grab hold of a juicy Louisiana satsuma, push my thumb through its forgiving skin, separate the skin from the flesh and plop the seedless segments into my mouth one by one. As I bite down on each section, my mouth swells with tangy sweetness and all is right with the world! At least for a little while! Citrus has that weird mood-enhancing effect on me. Even my kids recognize it! Whenever I’m grumpy, they tell me to go “cut a lime.” While that sounds [ ... ]

Italian Sausage in Red Gravy

The hubby and I never go out for Italian, even though our friends rave about a couple of Italian restaurants right here in our neighborhood. I don’t doubt their word. It’s just that I’m used to New Orleans Italian cooking. Creole-Italian. And, unfortunately, that kind of unique Italian fare doesn’t exist here in Woodstock, Georgia. You see back home these great establishments, whether serving up Northern Italian, Tuscan or Sicilian food, all have a New Orleans spin. For the most part, their menus read like they would in other parts of the country. [ ... ]

Cabbage Casserole

Have you planned out or begun to prepare your “health and wealth” meal for the New Year? I made my spread last week and froze everything since I knew we’d be on the road. All I’ll have to do tomorrow is defrost a few containers and bake some rice while the hubby and I unload the car and get situated (a catch-all phrase I use quite often around here when I have plenty to do in a short time). This year’s good fortune grub will consist of my old faithful Black-Eyed Peas with Jalapeno Oil and Cabbage Casserole. [ ... ]

Finger Food Friday: Creole Ranch Chicken Ball

I’m counting down the days to 2013 with great anticipation. Although 2012 was a good year, there are a couple of things I’m happy to leave behind. I also love new beginnings and the prospects of better this and improved that. But what I don’t particularly care for this time of year (at least not anymore) are those big New Year’s Eve bashes that involve mass quantities of food, over-the-top drinks, glittery garments and fireworks. Maybe it’s my age or maybe it’s because by the time that event rolls around, I’m already battling [ ... ]

Finger Food Friday: Caponata

Don’t ask me why, but lately I’ve been in the mood for caponata. It may have something to do with the cold temps and rain and wind and rain. Although that doesn’t make good sense because this spread is usually not eaten hot. No warming-of-the-bones-association here. Maybe I’m just longing for home and all the comforts that come with it. After all, the only caponata I’ve ever eaten aside from my own is Josie Manca’s. I’ve told you about Josie. She, her brother and her sister were dear friends of my grandmother’s and a big part of our family. None [ ... ]

Bourbon Balls

New Orleans is predominately a Catholic city. As such, many of us who were raised there attended Catholic school from kindergarten through twelfth. Most of the elementary schools were coed, but the majority of high schools were same sex. The boys had their schools and the girls others. Several coed Catholic high schools exist today, but they’re few and far between. My sister Giselle and I attended the same Catholic high school. It was one established by the Sisters of Mount Carmel. By the time Giselle and I were both there, only a few [ ... ]
Category: Beverages, Desserts  Tags:  2 Comments

Mid-City Meatloaf

Remember last week when I was talking about brown gravy and how I used to resort to the store-bought stuff when I didn’t have any pan drippings to work with and before I discovered beef base? Well, I also used to pair that store-bought gravy with, among other things, meatloaf made with a store-bought seasoning packet. Then I finally set aside the time to make a few different versions from scratch and have never looked back. Best part is, this scratch version takes only a few extra minutes to make. It all starts with equal parts ground beef, veal and [ ... ]

Finger Food Friday: Fiery Chipotle Shrimp

In New Orleans, we love our hot sauce.  The trinity of top local brands includes Tabasco, Crystal and Louisiana Hot Sauce.  Each has a loyal following.  My dad’s dad Beau, for instance, carried Tabasco everywhere he went and always had an emergency bottle stashed in his glove box.  I think he put it on everything but dessert.  The hubby is also a huge Tabasco man.  Me?  My favorites are Tabasco and Louisiana Hot Sauce with very specific uses for each.  Tabasco has more heat than Louisiana Hot Sauce and because of that it’s a must in my cocktail sauce and [ ... ]

Brown Gravy

Hey guys!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a jam-packed week back home in New Orleans.  We spent the first half with my parents and my sister’s family on the Northshore and Turkey Day and the remainder of the week with the hubby’s family and some of my additional relatives on the Southshore.  We brought the kids to play laser tag and to feed the animals–very large animals–at the Global Wildlife Center in Folsom (great family outing by the way), snuck in a date night at Chef Susan Spicer’s Mondo restaurant in Lakeview, spent an afternoon frolicking [ ... ]